Team Talon Blasts off again (Overwatch)
My little Eve (castellano)
Aventuras en el mundo de League of legends desde el punto de vista de Evelynn
My little Eve (english)
Adventures on the League of legends world from the point of view of Evelynn
Gamergate life (english)
Some strips about the gamergate controversy
Gamergate life (castellano)
Monster girls on tour (english)
An absurd webcomic about monster girls and geek culture
Monster girls on tour (español)
Comic absurdo sobre chicas monstruo y cultura friki
Triggerhappy (castellano)
El Team Talon despega de nuevo (Overwatch)
The Succubus is a Shonen protagonist
A parody of typical shonens with a Succubus who wanna be the next demon lord using her overpower sexual skills.
La Sucubo es una protagonista Shonen
Corona-chan doing absolutely nothing suspicious
Short comics and jokes about the corona virus doing absolutely nothing suspicious at all
Monster Girls in Space
One-shot about the characters of Monster girls on tour, but in space.
Monster girls in space (español)
One-shot con las chicas de Monster girls on tour en el espacio.
Sukeban and Senpai
A school comedy/battle comic about a Sukeban, her senpai, and a bunch of school delinquents
Sukeban y Senpai
Comic de comedia/peleas escolar sobre una Sukeban, su senpai y un montón de delincuentes escolares