“No one is targeting artists because of their politics”
“No one is targeting artists because of their politics”. That’s a line that i’ve heard a lot from the social justice circles every time an artist is censored, or is attacked so much that they self-censor. It’s a line i’ve read several times in the last week directed at me, when i have commented in social media about some new attack upon myself. I think my experiences over this last week are a clear example on how, yes, artists are being targeted because of their politics, everytime those politics diverge from the progressive ideology.
I’ve always been an artist who does adult content. My hentai creations have been placed on the internet for more than a decade, and i’ve never had any problems because of it. Yeah, sometimes i got a drawing banned from deviantart, but they were very sporadic things, and usualy deserved; one every 2-3 years at most. No one ever wrote anything about what a horrible person i was for doing erotic fanarts and such.
Since i publicy became a gamergate supporter, the ammount of reports i’ve gotten on art sites have increased, many times in very underserved cases (i got a drawing pulled because the characters had sweat. Yes, sweat…) as well as the amount of people lying about me on blogs and such. And i don’t mean making critiques of me, i mean outright lies (one guy even wrote about how i voted for some candidate in the past US elections, which is interesting considering i’m a spaniard living in Spain). Not only that, but my website began to have attemps to break in. At some point i was receiving more than 50 attempts to break in each day, until i upgraded my security.
But this broke into a new level when i was announced as a finalist for best Fan artist at the Hugo awards. Then people in the social justice circles discovered that i support gamergate, and since then, interesting things have been happening one after the other (aside from the wave of verbal attacks, of course).
First one of my gamergate related works got reported and banned from deviantart. Then someone picked a cheap fanart that i was commissioned to do, about a half nude Ms.marvel, and tried to frame me as a pedophile, because aparently the character has 16 in the original canon (something i even didn’t know), ignoring the fact that the character body was adult. This story was writen about in (as far as i know) a blog and then in a comic news article, expanding the idea that i’m a pedophile for an anime style fanart thats no different than the millions upon millions of anime character fanarts out there, and that i was somehow a terrible threat for teenagers out there who have their heroes destroyed by evil me. I was reported in devianart for “pedophilia” and the drawing was taken down. I got reported on twitter. The attemps to break into my website have come arround again. Then they contacted my advertising affiliates, telling them i was hosting child pornography, so they would cease to advertise with me. They acepted a middle ground solution at first, but then they changed their policies, and now i can no longer receive their service. Yes, and advertising website changed their policies just because of me… and just yesteday some guys where trying to get MARVEL to SUE ME because of a fanart!
But hey, i’m sure all of this is just a coincidence! this has nothing to do with the Hugo awards or gamergate. I’m sure it’s just that a whole lot of people randomly decided the same week to try to fuck me up in every way they could, right? this can’t possibly be related with people from a particular ideology, pissed off because someone with the wrong opinions got a Hugo nomination.
Let’s not be cynics here. It’s clear as the day that everything that has happened to me this week has been political. If it wasn’t the ms.marvel image, it would have been anything else. They would have attacked me because of some character of my comics or some shit. Maybe because my main character for comics is a black woman, but she’s not represented in the way they like, or because she’s a lesbian and they would call me a homophobe with some stupid excuse. It would have been whatever they could come up to, because in the end this is happening because i have a Hugo nomination and i’m openly against the progressive, social justice, crybully, perpetualy ofended ideology this people have.
So yes, artists are being targeted because of politics. Specificaly we are being targeted for not being “progressive enough”, by people who feel that anything is justified if it’s for their “cause”, people who feel they are so moraly superior that they can go to sleep peacefuly after trying to destroy someones career just because they have a different opinion on social topics. You can ask plebcomics about how she had to left her job after being attacked for making comics about Tumblr, ask Frank Cho about the attacks he receives just for doing sexy poses, ask Tarol hunt how feminists tried to ruin him just because they didn’t liked how he portrayed a rape victim in his comic. The list goes on. You can try to dismiss it with lines like “no one is targeting artists” or “there’s not a regressive left conspiracy” to make it sound unrealistic, but it’s a fact that there is a group of people who goes out of their way to punish artists for their ideologies.
Unfortunately for you, i will keep doing this stuff, now more than ever, and the more you try to take me down, they more i’ll do. Doing this only helps to make me more disgusted of social justice and how it’s advocates operate.
Discussion (29) ¬
I hate what they’re doing, man. They’re clearly trying to intimidate other artists into swallowing SJW propaganda, even if you remain defiant. This climate of fear that these bullies created has to end.
The SJWs didn’t create the climate of fear. The climate of fear is simply something that exists, and has always existed since civilizations were a thing. Whether you choose to adapt to it or use it to your advantage is up to you.
The SJWs didn’t create the climate of fear.
They certainly created this one, which is why it must be opposed mightily.
It is true that every civilization throughout time has at some point or another had a climate of fear, but this does not mean it is something that simply exists. Every climate of fear has an author and an agenda. They are different beasts which may be differently defeated, and throughout history, there have indeed been decades of ascension in which cultures developed without fear.
Don’t worry K, these people have no teeth 🙂 They are cowards in the truest sense of the word, trying to destroy the lives of people they’ve never met through the internet. Everyone in Gamergate has been attacked by them at some point, and the rise of cultural libertarianism is finally exposing these sick assholes for the freaks they truly are.
Keep doing what you do, and remember – don’t EVER bend your knee to these people! The reason they are so vitriolic in their attacks is because they WANT you to stay on the defensive – DON’T FALL FOR IT or they will NEVER stop attacking you!
The best defense against the cult of Social Justice is a good offense – ridicule them, laugh at them and keep drawing whatever you think will piss these people off – let them know that they live a life of spite and misery, and let them know that you will NEVER yield to their hate 🙂
Maybe you should contact Breitbart about this? They’re large enough that others who hate SJWs but don’t follow #GamerGate might read this and help signal boost what’s going on and get this information out there.
Tell CNI that they should look into a translator at CDTI named Will Anderson.
Expose them with video for their behavior at every opportunity when you see them in public misbehaving. Laugh at them. Great peals of laughter. Show your family and friends how insane and ridiculous they behave.
Tyrants and activists hate the sound of laughter. And that’s exactly how we beat them.
Hey Kukuruyo,
I just want to say that I admire your strength regarding all of this. I’m someone who pretty much never talks about anything related to GG/SJWs outside of anonymous chan boards because despite being a no-name on the internet, I’m seriously afraid of saying one stupid thing that will cause the horde of crybullies to do everything in their power to destroy me. I’ve seen it happen way too many times (and the first time I stumbled across SJWs was in 2011 I think, so long before GG happened and most people even became aware of their existence).
I’m currently working on a webcomic myself and one of the things that worry me the most (despite the fact that I’m socially awkward and have no idea how to promote shit) is the whole SJW business. These people seriously scare me in their willingness to do destroy someone’s existence just because that person said, wrote or drew something that pissed them off. So what’s happening to you right now is pretty much my worst nightmare.
Sorry, this is getting kinda ranty, I just felt the need to make this post because I think there are a lot of artists like me who agree with you guys but aren’t saying anything because the people you are against are just fucking scary and have the power to seriously damage a person – and this is fucked up because it shouldn’t be like this, people shouldn’t be afraid of losing their existence just because they voiced an opinion a group of rich, privileged hipsters didn’t want to hear. Please keep doing what you’re doing and don’t let these fuckers bring you down.
Here’s a video to help you get over your fear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlsVr1ykBqQ
We need to bring this to the attention of @grrm, he’s been spending a lot of LJ ink on the puppies instead of finishing his rapefic.
Love your work, was a pleasure advertising.
Roll Damn Tide.
It’s worth noting that the owner of your former ad syndicate was Ryan North, who’s also employed as a writer for Marvel. I suspect the situation was untenable for him.
The only way to prevent this from happening is to ensure that their artists are the ones who get censored for their politics in the same way you did.
Who said anyone wins a war by giving the enemy a fair chance?
But then they would have to actually make content, instead of bitch about other peoples’ work.
Trust me, they make PLENTY of their own works. You just don’t notice because you don’t actively search for them like they do our works.
Actually it’s about ethics in award nominations.
It’s certainly become that, hasn’t it?
Ah, ha ha ha ha ha. Define the “ethics” which justify destroying a lifetime of creativity and risk by someone who is trying to live on that, rather than work in a bank, or a car repair shop, or a thousand other normal jobs. Not because someone is evil, but because they are different. (Perhaps not physically or culturally, but different in how they think of solutions).
Having a real job to fall back on if the art thing doesn’t pan out is smart. Say what you will but working at a bank, auto shop, or a thousand other normal jobs pays the bills. Art doesn’t.
Thank for writing this. Absolutely tired of these people, but sales will dictate what the American public buy, not social justice types.
Preach, man. Fight the fuckin’ lynch mob and their self-righteouss witch-hunting. We’re your supporters and we hate them too.
(K’sara’s black? Huh. I always considered her more latino or Middle-Eastern. She looks closer to caramel than chocolate, lol)
Tell these idiots you support the Sad Puppies now more than ever. I’m voting for your work simply to piss them off. I’m also advocating the other puppies to do the same. I suggest you contact Vox Day as well.
Don’t do that. Voting for someone’s work just to piss other’s off is stupid and ignorant. It closes you off from the rest of the nominees that can be voted on. At least take the time and effort to learn what the other nominees are before already picking one to win. By doing what you’re doing you’re acting just as bad as the SJWs.
this is you after all of this