(Version español https://www.kukuruyo.com/comic/18-pokemon-trainers-espanol/)

This is a joke i started using with a drawing in my booths at conventions and everyone loves it, so i though i might as well usi it for something.

You can help to decide what monster girls remain, appear more or new monster girls to be added by voting your favourite types on this poll https://www.kukuruyo.com/2015/04/26/choose-your-3-favourite-monster-girls/

If you like the strips, you can read the next week strip before your friends by supporting me on patreon https://www.patreon.com/kukuruyo

You can also consider to buy the Special chapter MGoT: the begining https://www.kukuruyo.com/store-commissions/

If you want to know more about the setting of the comic check here https://www.kukuruyo.com/new-reader/

Read all my webcomics at https://www.kukuruyo.com/comics/

My commission rates http://kukuruyoart.deviantart.com/journal/Commission-Rates-482916233

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